Thursday, April 1, 2010


Do you guys think you'd all be up for season passes?  Summer is coming... A few of us had a good time a few summers ago.  We need atleast 4 people interested.  I think Greg and I are in.  You should all be in too.  It's fun to go up after work a few days out of the summer.. and if we go 5ish times we end up paying less than $20 a visit.

It's $87.95 or something a person for a group of 4 or more.  Let me know if ya'll wanna do it.  In fact, I'm going to create a facebook event.

1 comment:

  1. I already miss not going to Lagoon with you guys. sad face.

    BUT, you should probably tell me before you get passes because i might - might - be able to get one :)
